Tips for Staying Cool on the Court

Playing tennis on hot days can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, especially when you're on vacation in beautiful destinations like Cala Millor, Mallorca. Whether you're a seasoned player or a tourist eager to enjoy some time on the court, staying cool is essential for both performance and health. At the RA Tennis Academy and Club, we understand the importance of keeping our players comfortable and safe in the heat. For example, starting next week we will changing our Academy schedule and starting at 18:00 rather than our usual time at 16:00.

Dicho esto, aquí tienes algunos consejos y sugerencias prácticos que te ayudarán a mantenerte fresco mientras juegas al tenis en los días calurosos.

Entendiendo el calor

Before diving into specific tips, it's crucial to understand why playing tennis in hot weather can be particularly taxing. Especially when on vacation, high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion, dehydration, and sunburn, all of which can negatively impact your game and health. This is fairly straight forward, nonetheless many of us, while on vacation don't take this into account. In sports, the combination of physical exertion and exposure to the sun can quickly deplete your energy levels and lead to overheating if precautions are not taken.

Aquí hay algunas ideas sobre jugar en el calor.

Vestirse para el éxito

Ropa ligera y transpirable

Elegir la ropa adecuada es la primera línea de defensa contra el calor. Opte por tejidos ligeros y transpirables como el poliéster o el nailon, que evacuan el sudor y permiten una mejor circulación del aire. Evita el algodón, ya que tiende a retener la humedad, haciéndote sentir más pesado y acalorado. En la RA Tennis Academy, todos nuestros alumni reciben un tejido ligero y transpirable de Joma como pequeño agradecimiento. De cualquier manera, recomendamos equipo de marcas deportivas reconocidas que se especializan en tecnología que absorbe la humedad.

Use colores claros

La ropa de colores claros refleja, en lugar de absorber, los rayos del sol. Los blancos, pasteles y grises claros son excelentes opciones para mantenerse fresco. Los colores oscuros, por otro lado, absorben más calor y pueden hacerte sentir más cálido.

Accesorios de protección

  • Gorras y Viseras: Un sombrero o visera de ala ancha puede proporcionar sombra y mantener el sol alejado de la cara.
  • Gafas de sol: Invest in a good pair of sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from the sun's glare.
  • Ropa de protección UV: Considere usar ropa con protección UV incorporada. Muchas marcas deportivas los ofrecen para ayudar a prevenir las quemaduras solares.

Hidratación: la clave del rendimiento

Empiece a hidratarse temprano

Begin hydrating well before you step onto the court. Drink plenty of water in the hours leading up to your match. This will ensure that your body is well-hydrated from the start. This doesnt mean drinking a liter of water right before practice. This does mean start sipping on water in bit sized sips ca. 30 - 45min before practice starts.

Hidratar durante el juego/práctica

Bring a large water bottle and sip regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty. In hot conditions, you can lose a significant amount of fluids through sweat. Drinking small amounts frequently is better than consuming large quantities infrequently.

Bebidas electrolíticas

Además del agua, considera tomar una bebida con electrolitos para reponer las sales y minerales perdidos con el sudor. Las bebidas que contienen sodio, potasio y magnesio pueden ayudar a mantener los niveles de energía y prevenir los calambres.

Tiempo lo es todo

Juega temprano o tarde

Si es posible, programe sus partidos temprano en la mañana o tarde en la noche, cuando las temperaturas son más frescas. El sol del mediodía es el más caluroso y puede hacer que las condiciones para jugar sean incómodas, especialmente cuando está todo soleado.

Tome descansos frecuentes

During your game, take regular breaks to rest and cool down. This is especially important if you're playing during the hotter parts of the day. Use the breaks to hydrate and find some shade. Our courts have umbrellas. Please use them and close them afterwards.

Técnicas de enfriamiento

Toallas de hielo

Llevar una hielera con toallas heladas puede cambiar las reglas del juego. Coloque una toalla en el cuello o la frente durante los descansos para ayudar a bajar la temperatura corporal. Alternativamente, si lleva consigo una toalla helada, utilice una toalla pequeña mojada. Dirígete a nuestros baños o duchas, mojalo y colócalo alrededor de tu cuello.

Chalecos refrigerantes

Los chalecos refrigerantes son otra gran opción. Estos chalecos están diseñados para mantener baja la temperatura corporal central y son especialmente útiles en condiciones de calor extremo. Si bien es posible que no sean una parte común de tu equipo de tenis, pueden marcar una diferencia significativa a la hora de mantener tu rendimiento y comodidad.

Ventiladores portátiles

Los pequeños ventiladores portátiles pueden proporcionar una brisa refrescante durante los descansos. Los ventiladores que funcionan con baterías o los que se pueden conectar a una botella de agua para rociar son excelentes opciones.

Adapta tu juego

Ajusta tu estilo de juego

In hot weather, it's essential to adapt your playing style to conserve energy. Focus on shorter rallies and try to end points quickly. Playing long, drawn-out rallies can lead to quicker exhaustion and overheating.

Aprovecha la sombra

Siempre que sea posible, ubíquese en áreas sombreadas de la cancha durante los descansos y cambios. Este pequeño ajuste puede ayudarle a enfriarse y recuperarse más rápido. Nuestros cortavientos, dependiendo de la hora del día, a veces dan sombra a partes de la cancha. Utilice aquellos que no sean los paraguas.

Reduzca el ritmo

It's okay to play at a slower pace in extreme heat. Take your time between points and don't rush your serves. This will help you conserve energy and maintain a steady performance throughout the match.

Protector Solar

Elija el protector solar adecuado

Utilice un protector solar de amplio espectro con un SPF de al menos 30. Los protectores solares de amplio espectro protegen contra los rayos UVA y UVB, que son responsables de los daños en la piel y las quemaduras solares.

Aplicar generosamente y con frecuencia

Apply sunscreen generously at least 30 minutes before stepping out into the sun. Reapply every two hours, or more often if you're sweating heavily. Don't forget areas like the back of your neck, ears, and the tops of your feet if you're wearing sandals.

Nutrición para climas cálidos

Coma comidas ligeras

Las comidas copiosas pueden hacerte sentir letárgico, especialmente con el calor. Opte por comidas más ligeras ricas en frutas, verduras y proteínas magras. Los alimentos con alto contenido de agua, como la sandía, los pepinos y las naranjas, pueden ayudarte a mantenerte hidratado.

Evite la cafeína y el alcohol

Tanto la cafeína como el alcohol pueden contribuir a la deshidratación. Consuma agua, bebidas con electrolitos y jugos naturales para mantener altos sus niveles de hidratación.

Estar preparado: qué traer

Esenciales para los turistas

If you're a tourist visiting Cala Millor and don't have your gear, don't worry. Our Academy has you covered with rental equipment and on-site purchases. However, there are a few essentials you should consider bringing:

  • Botella de agua reutilizable: Tener tu botella de agua te permite mantenerte hidratado durante toda la sesión. De lo contrario, tenemos agua helada en el lugar.
  • Protector Solar: Empaca tu marca preferida y úsala.
  • Ropa cómoda: Empaque ropa deportiva liviana y transpirable adecuada para climas cálidos.

Alquilar o comprar equipo

We have equipment on site including balls and rackets as well as apparel - shorts, shirts, wristbands, caps and more. You can find everything you need to enjoy your game without compromising on comfort or performance.

Después del juego: consejos de recuperación

Enfriarse adecuadamente

Una rutina de enfriamiento adecuada es crucial después de jugar en el calor. Dedica unos minutos a caminar o hacer estiramientos suaves para reducir gradualmente tu frecuencia cardíaca.


Continúe bebiendo agua y bebidas con electrolitos después de su juego. Esto ayudará a reponer los líquidos perdidos durante el juego.

Toma una ducha fría

Una ducha fría puede ayudar a bajar la temperatura corporal y refrescarte después de un partido caliente. También ayuda a eliminar el sudor y los residuos de protector solar de tu piel. Contamos con duchas en nuestros vestuarios masculinos y femeninos.

Descansa y relajate

Give your body time to recover. Avoid strenuous activities and relax in a cool, shaded area. This will help prevent heat-related illnesses and ensure you're ready for your next game.

Disfrutando de tu experiencia de tenis en Cala Millor

Playing tennis in Cala Millor, Mallorca, at the RA Tennis Academy can be an unforgettable experience, especially when you know how to manage the heat. By following these tips, you can stay cool, hydrated, and safe while enjoying your time on the court. Whether you're a local or a tourist, our facilities are equipped to provide you with the best possible tennis experience, even on the hottest days.

Recuerde, la preparación es clave. Vístete apropiadamente, mantente hidratado y escucha a tu cuerpo. Con las precauciones adecuadas, jugar al tenis cuando hace calor puede resultar divertido y gratificante. ¡Visita RA Tennis Academy and Club en Cala Millor para aprovechar al máximo tus aventuras de tenis en Mallorca!

Únate al RA Racket Club

Are you a tennis enthusiast living in or around Cala Millor, Mallorca? Do you enjoy playing tennis regularly? If that's the case then you'll love the RA Raqueta Club!

Nuestro tenis academia & club ofrece un valor inmejorable, instalaciones de clase mundial y una increíble comunidad de jugadores con ideas afines. Por sólo 42 euros al mes, unirte a nuestro club no sólo es una decisión financiera inteligente, sino también una inversión en tu amor por el juego.

¿Por qué unirse al RA Racket Club?

  1. Valor Inigualable: Por sólo 42 euros al mes, obtienes acceso ilimitado a nuestras impecables pistas. Esta tarifa incluye el 21% de IVA, lo que hace que el coste real sea aún más económico.
  2. Juego Rentable: Compare esto con alquilar una pista individualmente a 18 euros la hora. Si juegas singles durante solo 2,5 horas al mes, ya habrás igualado nuestra cuota de membresía. ¡Juega dobles y los ahorros se multiplican!
  3. Membresía Flexible: Disfruta de la libertad de cancelar en cualquier momento antes del día 25 de cada mes. Sin compromisos a largo plazo, sólo puro disfrute del tenis.

Desglose de Costos: Juegue más, Ahorre Más

Juego Individual

  • Alquiler de pistas por horas: 18 euros la hora.
  • Tiempo de Juego Mensual: Digamos que juegas 2 horas por semana.
    • Costo Semanal: 36 euros.
    • Costo Mensual: 144 euros.

Uniendose RA Raqueta Club, ahorras más de 100 euros al mes si juegas singles con regularidad.

Juego de Dobles

  • Alquiler de pistas por horas: 18 euros la hora, repartidos entre 4 jugadores.
    • Costo por Persona: 4,5 euros la hora.
  • Tiempo de Juego Mensual: Digamos que juegas 2 horas por semana.
    • Costo Semanal por Persona: 9 euros.
    • Costo Mensual por Persona: 36 euros.

Ahora, imagina que juegas dobles con más frecuencia o aumentas la duración de tu sesión a 1,5 o 2 horas. El coste aumenta rápidamente, lo que hace que nuestra membresía de 42 euros al mes sea una auténtica ganga.

Beneficios Exclusivos Para Miembros

  • Acceso Ilimitado a las Pistas: Juega tantas veces como quieras sin preocuparte por las tarifas por hora.*
  • Reserva Prioritaria: Los miembros tienen prioridad al reservar pistas, lo que garantiza que siempre puedan jugar en los horarios que prefieran. (Dependiendo de la disponibilidad de la pista)
  • Comunidad y Eventos: Sea parte de una vibrante comunidad de tenis con eventos sociales, torneos y sesiones de entrenamiento regulares.

Proceso de Registro Sencillo

Unión RA Raqueta Club ¡Es muy fácil! Nuestro sencillo proceso de registro garantiza que puedas empezar a jugar de inmediato. Simplemente visita la pagina del club y regístrate. Alternativamente, visite nuestro club en Cala Millor (Obtener las direcciones), fill out a quick registration form, and you're ready to hit the courts. Remember, you can cancel your membership anytime before the 25th of each month if your plans change.

La promesa del RA Racket Club

En RA Tennis Academy & Club, nos dedicamos a brindar una experiencia de tenis excepcional. Nuestras pistas de alta calidad, membresía asequible y una comunidad vibrante nos convierten en la mejor opción para los amantes del tenis en el área de Cala Millor, Mallorca y sus alrededores.

No pierdas esta fantástica oportunidad. Unirse RA Raqueta Club hoy y mejora tu juego mientras disfrutas de increíbles ahorros.

¡Contáctanos ahora para registrarte y comenzar a disfrutar del tenis ilimitado!

Consejos para jugar en cada superficie

Tennis, a game of skill, strategy, and agility, is also deeply influenced by the surface it is played on. Each type of tennis court presents unique challenges and opportunities, shaping how players approach the game. Whether you're playing on the sun-kissed clay courts of our Academy & Club in Cala Millor in Mallorca or the hard courts of a local club in the area, understanding the nuances of each surface can elevate your game. In this post we want to dive into the different types of courts and give a few tips for each of them. Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts are.

Types of Tennis Courts

  1. Clay Courts
  2. Hard Courts
  3. Grass Courts
  4. Carpet Courts


Clay Courts: The Heart of Cala Millor's RA Tennis Academy & Club

At the RA Tennis Academy in Cala Millor, Mallorca, we pride ourselves on our six premium clay courts. Clay courts are beloved for their slower pace and high bounce, making them ideal for baseline players who excel in long rallies.

Playing on Clay Courts:

  • Movement: Players need to master sliding into shots, which can help maintain balance and reach difficult balls. Sliding effectively can reduce the risk of injuries. Hence, practice getting into your knees (house down) and maintaining a good center of gravity.
  • Strategy: Due to the slower surface, patience is key. Building points through careful shot selection and consistency often outweighs aggressive shot-making.
  • Topspin: High topspin shots are particularly effective on clay, as the surface accentuates the spin, making the ball bounce higher and more unpredictably for your opponent. Give it a try.

Considerations for Clay Courts:

  • Footwear: Use clay court-specific shoes with a herringbone tread pattern to improve grip and facilitate sliding. It's important to wear the right shoes on the court especially if your playing intensively. If your just here for a leisure holiday and don't have any shoes with you, then just be cautious of the surface.
  • Stamina: Matches on clay can be longer, so conditioning and endurance are crucial.


Hard Courts: Versatile and Popular

Hard courts are the most common type of tennis court, used in many major tournaments including the US Open and the Australian Open. They offer a good balance of speed and bounce. While we do not have any hard courts available at the moment, you never know what the future may bring.

Playing on Hard Courts:

  • Movement: Hard courts provide predictable bounces, allowing for precise footwork and positioning. Quick lateral movements and sprints are essential.
  • Strategy: Players can mix up their game with a balance of power and finesse. Both baseline and net play can be effective.
  • Shot Variety: Hard courts are ideal for utilizing a wide range of shots, from powerful serves and ground strokes to delicate drop shots and volleys. (Again, only suggestions)

Considerations for Hard Courts:

  • Footwear: Choose durable tennis shoes with good cushioning to protect against the hard surface. Your knees and ankles will thank you.
  • Injury Prevention: The hard surface can be tough on joints, so proper warm-up and stretching are vital.


Grass Courts: Tradition and Speed

Grass courts are synonymous with tradition and prestige, epitomized by Wimbledon. They are the fastest of all tennis surfaces, providing a low bounce and favoring serve-and-volley players.

Playing on Grass Courts:

  • Movement: Grass courts can be slippery, so quick, short steps and a low center of gravity help maintain balance. (an exercise we do at the Academy to remind our juniors to stay low is "house down")
  • Strategy: Aggressive play is often rewarded. Serving and volleying, as well as slicing, can be very effective due to the low bounce.
  • Adaptability: Players need to adapt quickly to the unpredictable bounces and faster pace.

Considerations for Grass Courts:

  • Footwear: Use grass-specific shoes with nubs for better traction.
  • Surface Maintenance: Grass requires regular maintenance, so always check for uneven spots that might affect the ball's bounce.


Carpet Courts: Indoor Advantage

Carpet courts are less common but offer a unique playing experience, typically found indoors and in countries where the weather is not as sunny as in Mallorca. They provide a medium-fast surface with a consistent, low bounce.

Playing on Carpet Courts:

  • Movement: Quick footwork and agility are crucial as the ball tends to stay low and fast.
  • Strategy: A balanced approach works well, with an emphasis on precise serving and quick net approaches.
  • Comfort: Carpet surfaces are gentler on the joints compared to hard courts.

Considerations for Carpet Courts:

  • Footwear: Opt for non-marking shoes to avoid damaging the surface.
  • Surface Familiarity: Spend time adjusting to the speed and bounce if you’re more accustomed to outdoor courts.


Tips for Transitioning Between Court Types

  • Adapt Your Game: Recognize that each surface requires a different style of play. Flexibility and adaptability are your greatest assets.
  • Practice: Spend time on each type of court to get a feel for the unique characteristics. This will improve your overall game and prepare you for various playing conditions - noting that most courts you'll probably play on is hard surface or clay.
  • Conditioning: Tailor your fitness regime to account for the demands of each surface. For instance, work on endurance for clay and quick sprints for grass.

Embrace the Variety

Whether you’re honing your skills at our Academy’s clay courts in Cala Millor, Mallorca, or competing on a hard, grass, or carpet court, understanding the distinct features of each surface can significantly enhance your performance. Embrace the variety and let each surface sharpen different aspects of your game, making you a more versatile and formidable player on any court.

At RA Tennis Academy, we encourage our players to embrace the unique challenges of clay courts and develop their game through dedicated practice and expert coaching. Join us in Cala Millor and experience the joy of playing tennis on amazing clay courts under the beautiful Mallorcan sun.

El juego mental: estrategias para desarrollar la fortaleza mental en el tenis

Tennis, often called a sport of the mind, requires not only physical agility and skill but also a high degree of mental toughness. Over the past few months I have come to notice that while physical training and technique are crucial, the psychological aspect of tennis can be the determining factor between winning and losing, especially in high-pressure situations – regardless of age. That may sound very straight forward, however, most people still do not understand the full concept of the mental game, hence, this brief article delves into the psychological components of tennis and offers a few of my strategies to enhance mental resilience for players at all levels.

Understanding the Psychological Aspects of Tennis

The Mental Demands of Tennis

Tennis is unique in its mental demands due to several factors:

  1. Isolation: Unlike team sports, tennis players are alone on the court. This solitude can amplify stress and pressure, requiring players to self-manage their emotions and strategies.
  2. Unpredictability: Each match presents a new opponent with unique playing styles, requiring adaptability and quick strategic thinking. (Regardless of skill level – better/worse)
  3. Endurance: Matches can be lengthy, demanding sustained concentration and resilience over extended periods.
  4. Immediate Feedback: The score changes with every point, providing constant feedback and necessitating rapid emotional regulation and mental adjustments.

Key Psychological Skills in Tennis

To succeed in tennis, I find that players need to develop several psychological skills:

  1. Concentration: The ability to focus on the task at hand, ignoring distractions. (for example: parents outside yelling in on the court)
  2. Confidence: Belief in one’s abilities to perform under pressure. (Not arrogance)
  3. Emotional Control: Managing emotions such as anger, frustration, and anxiety.
  4. Motivation: Maintaining drive and persistence, especially during challenging phases of a match.


Strategies for Building Mental Toughness

1. Visualization and Imagery

Visualization involves creating mental images of successful performance. This technique can help players prepare for matches by mentally rehearsing strokes, strategies, and coping with potential challenges. Studies have shown that visualization can enhance confidence and improve performance under pressure.

How to Practice Visualization? Here a few of my techniques.

  • Daily Routine: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing different aspects of your game.
  • Detail Oriented: Include specific details such as the court, your opponent, and your feelings during the match.
  • Positive Imagery: Focus on successful shots and scenarios to build a positive mindset.


2. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness practices can help players stay present and focused, reducing the impact of negative thoughts and anxiety. Meditation, in particular, has been shown to improve attention and emotional regulation. My wife recently showed me a video of I believe Iga Świątek laying on the floor staring at a swinging ball.

How to Practice Mindfulness?

  • Breathing Exercises: Use deep breathing techniques to calm the mind before and during matches.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Set aside time daily for meditation to enhance overall mental clarity and focus.


3. Goal Setting

Setting specific, achievable goals can boost motivation and provide direction. Both short-term and long-term goals are essential for continuous improvement and maintaining motivation.

How to Set Effective Goals?

  • SMART Goals: Ensure goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. (Something I’ve pulled out of the business world that can still apply to tennis)
  • Process-Oriented Goals: Focus on improving specific aspects of your game (e.g., improving first-serve percentage) rather than only outcome goals (e.g., winning a tournament). This is crucial, especially during training.


4. Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk can significantly impact a player’s confidence and performance. Encouraging oneself through affirmations and constructive inner dialogue can help maintain a positive attitude, even during set-backs .

How to Develop Positive Self-Talk?

  • Affirmations: Create a list of positive statements about your abilities and repeat them regularly. This does not mean for you to become egocentric, this means building on your capabilities.
  • Counter Negative Thoughts: Identify negative thoughts and actively replace them with positive alternatives.


5. Routine and Rituals

Pre-match and in-match routines can provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety. These routines can include physical warm-ups, mental preparations, and specific rituals between points. You need to develop this – going from creating that recurring habit to making “your thing” a ritual. Most don’t do this.

How to Establish Effective Routines?

  • Consistent Warm-Up: Develop a consistent pre-match warm-up routine to prepare both physically and mentally.
  • In-Match Rituals: Use consistent actions between points, such as bouncing the ball a certain number of times before serving, to maintain focus and composure.


6. Stress Management Techniques

Learning to manage stress effectively is crucial for maintaining performance under pressure. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and controlled breathing can help reduce tension.

How to Practice Stress Management?

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Practice tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups to release physical tension.
  • Controlled Breathing: Use deep, rhythmic breathing to calm the mind and body during high-stress moments.


7. Developing a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset, the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, can enhance resilience. This mindset encourages players to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats.

How to Foster a Growth Mindset?

  • Embrace Challenges: View difficult matches and training sessions as opportunities to improve.
  • Learn from Failure: Analyze losses and mistakes to identify areas for improvement rather than seeing them as setbacks.


Building mental toughness in tennis is an ongoing process that requires dedication and practice. By incorporating strategies such as visualization, mindfulness, goal setting, positive self-talk, and stress management, you can enhance their mental resilience – trust me, I do the same. Developing these psychological skills will not only improve performance on the court but also contribute to personal growth and overall well-being. As with any aspect of training, consistency is key – regularly practicing these techniques will help you build the mental fortitude needed to succeed in the demanding and dynamic world of tennis.

  1. Morris, T., Spittle, M., & Watt, A. P. (2005). Imagery in Sport. Human Kinetics.
  2. Cumming, J., & Ramsey, R. (2009). Imagery interventions in sport. Advances in Applied Sport Psychology: A Review.
  3. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life. Hachette Books.
  4. Gardner, F. L., & Moore, Z. E. (2007). The Psychology of Enhancing Human Performance: The Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach. Springer Publishing Company.
  5. Hardy, J. (2006). Speaking clearly: A critical review of the self-talk literature. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7(1), 81-97.
  6. Weinberg, R., & Gould, D. (2014). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Human Kinetics.
  7. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.
  8. Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.

Inauguración de la RA Raqueta Club

Today marks a significant milestone for tennis enthusiasts in our community as we proudly launch the RA Racket Club at 11:00 am. With top-tier courts and unparalleled facilities, the RA Racket Club is poised to redefine the tennis experience for players of all levels.

At the heart of the RA Racket Club is a commitment to providing exceptional value and access to our members. Whether you’re a seasoned player honing your skills or just starting out on your tennis journey, our club offers a vibrant community and state-of-the-art amenities to support your passion for the sport.

Membership Made Simple

One of the hallmarks of the RA Racket Club is our straightforward membership model. For a basic monthly subscription of €60, members gain access to our premium tennis court facilities with nearly no limits*. Gone are the days of worrying about court availability or exorbitant fees – our members can conveniently book their courts online at any time, ensuring maximum flexibility and convenience in their tennis pursuits.

But the benefits don’t stop there. We understand the joy of sharing the game with friends and family, which is why RA Racket Club members can extend invitations to up to three additional guests for a nominal fee of €9 per hour session. Whether you’re itching for a singles match or craving the camaraderie of doubles, the price remains the same, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – enjoying the game.

Community, Convenience, and Cost-Effective Tennis

At the RA Racket Club, we believe that tennis should be accessible to all. That’s why we’ve streamlined our membership fees to ensure affordability without sacrificing quality. With a one-time registration fee of €35 (except this month of June) and monthly subscription options tailored to individual (€60) or family (€125) memberships, joining our club is a no-brainer for anyone looking to take their tennis game to the next level. THe cost savings are enormous! Book a court for €18/session or join the club for €60? If you play more than 4x in a single month it has already paid off.

Exclusive Club Benefits

As a member of the RA Racket Club, you’re not just gaining access to premier tennis facilities – you’re joining a dynamic community committed to fostering growth, camaraderie, and, of course, fun. In addition to unlimited court access and guest privileges, members can take advantage of exclusive discounts on Diadem Club Gear and Equipment, BB Club Apparel, and private lessons.

Join Us at the RA Racket Club

Whether you’re a die-hard tennis fanatic or a casual player looking to elevate your game, the RA Racket Club welcomes you with open arms. Step onto our courts, immerse yourself in our vibrant community, and experience the thrill of tennis like never before. It’s time to serve, volley, and ace your way to greatness at the RA Racket Club—where passion meets purpose, and every match is a victory.

More information can be found on


Únase a Nosotros para Raquetas y Relajarse viernes

This Friday night, unwind with us at RA Tennis Academy's signature event: Rackets and Relax Friday! From time to time, we open up all our courts exclusively for our members and their guests, creating an evening of fun, fitness, and fantastic company. This special event runs from 18:00 to 20:00, so mark your calendars and get ready for an enjoyable evening.

What to Expect

  • Open Courts for All: All our courts are free to use for our members during this event. Whether you want to practice your serve, engage in a friendly match, or just hit some balls, our facilities are at your disposal.
  • Bring a Friend: Members are welcome to bring non-member friends to join in the fun, as long as a member is present. It's a great way to introduce your friends to the academy and enjoy some quality time together.
  • Booking Made Easy: To ensure you get your preferred court, bookings are managed through our convenient academy app. Simply let us know when.
  • Music and Chill: To add to the relaxed atmosphere, we'll be playing some great tunes. It's the perfect backdrop to your game and a wonderful way to wind down the week.

Why Become a Member?

At RA Tennis Academy, we believe in creating a vibrant, welcoming community for tennis enthusiasts of all levels. By becoming a member, you gain access to a host of benefits designed to enhance your tennis experience:

  • Exclusive Events: Enjoy special events like Rackets and Relax Friday, member-only tournaments, and social gatherings.
  • Priority Court Booking: Secure your spot on the court with priority booking options.
  • Top-notch Facilities: Access our state-of-the-art courts and training equipment.
  • Expert Coaching: Benefit from discounted rates on coaching sessions with our experienced instructors.
  • Community: Join a network of like-minded individuals who share your passion for tennis.

How to Join

Becoming a member is easy! Simply visit our website and use the registration form to sign up. Our membership plans are flexible and designed to fit your needs, whether you're a casual player or a competitive athlete.

Don't miss out on the chance to be part of our amazing community and enjoy events like Rackets and Relax Friday. We look forward to seeing you on the courts this Friday evening!

See You There!

So, grab your racket, invite a friend, and come enjoy a relaxing and fun-filled Friday night at RA Tennis Academy. With great music, open courts, and a friendly atmosphere, it's the perfect way to kick off your weekend. Remember to book your court, and get ready for an evening of tennis and relaxation.

RA Abrir el Día 3

As the RA Open Tennis Tournament entered its third day, the excitement reached fever pitch at the RA Tennis Academy. With the quarter-finals for the adult groups and the semi-finals for the children’s groups underway, accompanied by immediate elimination, emotions ran high as players fought tooth and nail for a coveted spot in the finals. But Day 3 wasn’t just about the intense matches; it was a celebration of tennis, camaraderie, and community spirit.

The day began with the quarter-finals for the adult groups, where players showcased their skills and determination in pursuit of victory. Simultaneously, the children’s groups battled it out in the semi-finals, with each match bringing moments of suspense and exhilaration. With immediate elimination on the line, every point mattered, leading to heart-stopping rallies and nail-biting finishes.

Amidst the intense competition, participants and spectators were treated to a delightful lunch provided by Royal Burger, fueling them for the action-packed day ahead. Adding to the festivities, music filled the air, while a bouncy castle and a football field provided entertainment for all ages. A small workshop allowed kids to unleash their creativity as they colored tennis balls, adding a touch of vibrancy to the event.

As the afternoon progressed, the excitement reached new heights with the arrival of professional players. They engaged with the crowd, offering tips and insights during small workshops and even joining in for a friendly game with attendees. The atmosphere was electric as spectators soaked in the expertise of these ATP professionals, marveling at their skill and finesse on the court.

As the clock struck 5:00 PM, it was time for the much-anticipated finals to commence. With tensions mounting and adrenaline pumping, players gave it their all in a bid to clinch victory. The matches were a testament to the talent and dedication of each participant, captivating the audience till the very last point.

Following the exhilarating finals, it was time for the awards ceremony, which was attended by local television crews, professional players, and numerous guests. The champions were crowned amidst applause and cheers, their hard work and dedication recognized and celebrated by all. It was a moment of triumph and camaraderie, marking the culmination of an unforgettable tournament.

As the curtains fell on the RA Open Tennis Tournament, it left behind memories of thrilling matches, heartwarming moments, and the enduring spirit of tennis. It was more than just a sporting event; it was a celebration of passion, talent, and community coming together to create magic on the court. Until next year, the legacy of the RA Open Tennis Tournament will continue to inspire and uplift all who were fortunate enough to be a part of it.

RA Abrir el Día 2

The excitement continued to build at the RA Tennis Academy as Day 2 of the RA Open Tennis Tournament unfolded. Today, it was the turn of the younger age groups – Benjamin, Alevin, and Infantil – to take center stage, and they did not disappoint. With registrations underway, welcome bags filled with goodies from esteemed sponsors like Diadem and 226ers awaited each participant, along with the coveted tournament t-shirt.

The day kicked off with the first round of matches played in a round-robin style, ensuring that every player had the opportunity to showcase their skills against a variety of opponents. However, what caught everyone by surprise was the level of talent displayed by the Benjamin group. With their swift footwork and impressive strokes, these young players engaged in intense rallies that kept spectators on the edge of their seats.

As the matches progressed, it became evident that the Benjamin group was not to be underestimated. Their tenacity and determination led to some unexpected results, causing a slight shift in the schedule as the matches extended beyond the anticipated time frame. Nevertheless, the delay did little to dampen the spirits of both players and spectators, who were treated to a display of raw talent and sheer passion for the sport.

Meanwhile, in the Alevin and Infantil groups, the intensity of the competition was palpable. Players engaged in riveting rallies, showcasing their skills with each precise shot and strategic maneuver. From thunderous serves to delicate drop shots, every aspect of the game was on full display, captivating everyone in attendance.

As the day drew to a close at nearly 22:00, it was clear that Day 2 of the RA Open had been nothing short of spectacular. The younger age groups had proven that age is no barrier to talent and determination, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed their performances. With each match, they showcased the future stars of tennis, inspiring hope and excitement for what lies ahead in the world of sports.

As the tournament progresses, anticipation continues to mount for the thrilling encounters yet to come. With each passing day, the RA Open Tennis Tournament reaffirms its status as a showcase of talent, sportsmanship, and camaraderie. Stay tuned as the journey towards crowning the champions of the RA Open reaches its exhilarating conclusion!

RA Abierto el Día 1

The sun shone brightly on the pristine courts of the RA Tennis Academy as the much-anticipated RA Open Tennis Tournament kicked off its first day. With age groups spanning 15+ Adults and Pro+ Adults, the stage was set for an exhilarating display of skill, determination, and sportsmanship.

As participants streamed in for registration, the buzz of excitement filled the air. Each player was greeted with a warm welcome and handed a welcome bag brimming with goodies from esteemed sponsors like Diadem and 226ers. The anticipation was palpable as everyone eagerly donned their tournament t-shirts, ready to showcase their prowess on the courts.

With registrations complete and spirits high, it was time for the games to commence. The first round saw players pitted against each other in a round-robin style, ensuring that every participant had the opportunity to showcase their talent against a variety of opponents. With a total of 32 players vying for victory, the competition was fierce from the outset.

In the 15+ Adults category, young talent clashed with seasoned players, creating an electrifying atmosphere on the courts. Spectators were treated to an impressive display of skill and athleticism as each match unfolded. From powerful serves to precision shots, every player brought their A-game, determined to advance to the next round.

Meanwhile, in the Pro+ Adults category, the intensity was dialed up a notch as seasoned professionals battled it out for supremacy. With years of experience under their belts, these players showcased the finer nuances of the game, leaving spectators in awe of their prowess. Every point was fiercely contested, and the level of play was nothing short of exceptional.

As the day drew to a close, the courts had witnessed an array of thrilling encounters and memorable moments. Players had pushed themselves to the limit, leaving everything on the court in pursuit of victory. Yet, amidst the competition, the true spirit of tennis shone through, with competitors showing respect and camaraderie towards each other, both in victory and defeat.

With Day 1 of the RA Open Tennis Tournament coming to an end, anticipation is high for the days that lie ahead. As players gear up for the next rounds, one thing is certain – the stage is set for more exhilarating matches, unforgettable moments, and perhaps, a few surprises along the way. Stay tuned as the journey towards crowning the champions of the RA Open continues!

MARA Campamento de Pascua Éxito

La primavera en Alemania siempre trae consigo una sensación de renovación y entusiasmo, y este año no fue una excepción. En una maravillosa fusión de deporte, entrenamiento y espíritu comunitario, Marc Raffel de MARA Consulting unió fuerzas con RA Tennis Academy y organizó un campamento de Pascua memorable en Cala Millor. Este evento combinó la experiencia de MARA Consulting con la excelencia atlética de nuestra academia de tenis, creando un entorno perfecto para el crecimiento y el aprendizaje.

Una visión para la excelencia

Marc Raffel, el visionario detrás de MARA Consulting, siempre ha sido un apasionado de fomentar el talento y alentar el desarrollo personal. Su colaboración con RA Tennis Academy es un testimonio de su compromiso con el crecimiento integral. El campamento de Pascua se planeó meticulosamente para ofrecer una combinación de entrenamiento riguroso y actividades atractivas, asegurando que los participantes no solo mejoraran sus habilidades tenísticas, sino que también se divirtieran mucho durante las vacaciones de Pascua.

Una asociación única

La alianza entre MARA Consulting y RA Tennis Academy se basa en valores compartidos y un objetivo común: formar y desarrollar a deportistas de todas las edades y niveles. Nuestros entrenadores, conocidos por su dedicación y experiencia, estuvieron encantados de apoyar el campamento. Aportaron su amplio conocimiento y pasión por el tenis a las sesiones de entrenamiento, ofreciendo orientación personalizada y creando un ambiente alentador.

Formación y actividades

El campamento de Pascua se estructuró para atender a distintos niveles de habilidad, desde principiantes hasta jugadores avanzados. Nuestros entrenadores dirigieron sesiones de entrenamiento dinámicas, centrándose en diferentes aspectos del juego, como:

  • Fundamentos:Golpes básicos, juego de pies y posicionamiento.
  • Técnicas avanzadas:Control de giro, golpes potentes y juego estratégico.

Mirando hacia el futuro

El éxito de este campamento de Pascua ha sentado unas bases sólidas para futuras colaboraciones entre MARA Consulting y RA Tennis Academy. Estamos entusiasmados con las posibilidades y esperamos recibir al equipo de MARA en más eventos de este tipo que inspiren, eduquen y entretengan a los atletas de tenis.

El campamento de Pascua no fue solo un evento, fue una celebración del deporte, el aprendizaje y la comunidad. Gracias a los esfuerzos dedicados de Marc Raffel de MARA Consulting y los entrenadores expertos de RA Tennis Academy, los participantes se fueron con habilidades mejoradas, recuerdos duraderos y una pasión renovada por el tenis. ¡Por muchas más colaboraciones exitosas en el futuro!

Mantente atento a más actualizaciones y próximos eventos. Hasta entonces, ¡sigue practicando y disfruta del juego!